Jodo Taikai - Friday, 16/08/2024
tournament for pairs (shijo + uchidachi)
the pair can be any 2 jodoka, with grades up to 6th dan (inclusive)
we aim for 7 divisions, from mudan to 6th dan, if there will be enough participants
the pair will compete in the group corresponding to the higher rank of the person in the pair
(eg. if a pair will consist of sandan and godan, you will compete in godan division)free choice of kata, including koryu jodo
all kata have to be performed with jo and tachi (no additional weapons are allowed, including kodachi)
each match will consist of set of 3 kata, shi-uchi kotai and another set of 3 kata
in order to reach a verdict, both sides will be evaluated

Iaido Team Taikai - Sunday, 18/08/2024
team tournament (senpo, chuken, taisho)
teams will be created randomly
there will be one division and KO system
any order in the team is allowed
free choice of 3 kata, we encourage koryu iaido
each match will consist of 3 fights (senpo, chuken, taisho)